Unit 8: If You Can, You Must

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We all have different skill sets. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. We all bring something different to the table. This chapter challenges you to think about finding the right fit for your skills and how you might best serve your ensemble.

You applied for the leadership job that you currently hold. You made a decision to apply, You chose to be a leader. Assuming that is true, we have to assume that you chose to take on the added responsibilities associated with your position and that you volunteered to serve your group above and beyond what was expected on the non-leaders. In short, you got yourself into this mess, so no complaining as you work your way through it.

If there is a “leadership calling,” I believe that the call comes from within you. For those who have the ability to serve, the inert responsibility to serve is part of the package. Call it a conscience, call it an ethical duty, call it Bob for all I care…just listen to it. If you do not have such a calling, it doesn’t mean that you are not smart, ambitious and capable; it simply means you lack the inner desire to serve. You can be a good music student without being a leader, just as you can be good at your job without being the C.E.O. However, if you can lead, but choose not to, I think you are ignoring one of the basic principles of human existence: Being all that you can be.” Some call it potential, some call it self-actualization…I call it “if you can…you must.”

With your leadership role comes many responsibilities, and possibly some perks. The fact that you are working through this process and your non-leader peers are not is a perfect example of a perk. You have been given a unique and special responsibility based on your ability to respond. Now is the time to respond with your abilities and make a difference in your program. Why you might ask? Because you can and there are others who can’t.

So let’s take this opportunity to see what you can do so we know what you must do.

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