Activity 3: Candy Bar Commercial
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Many times students know what qualities it takes to be a good leader. This is a good activity to find out what they know and build upon it with a group discussion.
Get a package of assorted candy bars that has a wide variety within the package. You can use a paper back and candy or food you have laying around the house. You should have at least five or six different kinds of bars. The candy can be large or small.
Have someone film this on your smart phone. With you eyes blindfolded, pick out a piece of candy. Open your eyes and make an instant commercial about leadership using that candy.
Example: “The 100 Grand bar has nuts; good leaders know how to be a little nutty and laugh with their peers.”
Example: “A Snickers bar has caramel, which sticks to the roof of your mouth. Good leaders know how to stick to a project until it is complete.”
After you are done, make a serious point about what you are trying to communicate. Send the video to your director so she can post somewhere for all to enjoy.
Be silly and have fun.
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