Unit 16: Letter To Your Future Self
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Written Content
I want you to go to www.futureme.org and write a letter to yourself to be delivered at some time during the upcoming school year. You can choose the time, but a date around a seminal moment (last contest, finals, first performance, etc…) will make it more meaningful. Address the letter to yourself. In the letter, speak about the challenges that lay ahead this season and the obstacles that you want to overcome, as a performer and as a person. Be specific in stating how you are going to overcome them.
Use the final paragraph to share any final thoughts you would like to say to yourself at the close of the season. These letters will be returned to you at a very special time and a very special place. Remember, the more you give to this letter, the more you will get.
Some thoughts…
Before typing, you should jot down notes. You might even want to interview some of your closest friends and family to get their perspective. When done correctly, this is a worthwhile and meaningful assignment. Don’t take the easy way out. Search your soul—it is where this letter lies.
Email Scott directly at scott@scottlang.net.
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